Please note: this post is 25 months old and The Cares Family is no longer operational. This post is shared for information only
We try our hardest to put on an array of social clubs that will appeal to all our neighbours, so everyone has a good time together. As part of this, we need to have our ears close to the ground, to find out what neighbours are enjoying, or not enjoying so much, or what ideas they have for neighbours to connect and enjoy new experiences together.
Back in August, we held our first Feedback Club, a forum for neighbours to give their two cents on our social clubs programme. The first session proved so fruitful that we needed to continue the conversation at Feedback Club: The Sequel, in October. It was incredible to hear all the wonderful ideas and useful feedback contributed by the neighbours who came along. We really appreciate you!
As expected we covered a lot of ground during both the clubs, but there were a few main topics of discussion.
Firstly, it was great to hear that neighbours not only overwhelmingly recognise and support our effort to make social clubs a safe, inclusive and anti racist environment, but also feel that we’ve upheld the expectations that we set out.
Secondly, we discussed clubs that neighbours had really enjoyed, and there were a lot, which was great to hear and very reassuring! Popular clubs, both past and present, include City Farm trips, Brunch Club, cocktail making workshops, Arts and Crafts Club, Pub Club, Ballroom and Latin Dancing and more!
We also discussed clubs that neighbours didn’t enjoy as much and the reasons why. Most of the clubs that neighbours enjoyed little less are held in venues a little off the beaten track, so can be harder to find. The longest discussion was regarding clubs neighbours would like us to trial. The ideas were abundant, and mostly likely achievable and sound like they could be a lot of fun, such as language classes, sightseeing walks, art gallery tours, and karaoke.
So what’s the point of hosting these Feedback Clubs I hear you ask? Well, there’s no point asking for feedback if you’re not going to listen! We want neighbours to be able to get the most out of our social clubs programme and we can’t do that unless we listen to what you want.
It was good to hear that we’re on the right track with most things, including our anti-racism policy, food offerings and the vast amount of the clubs we already offer.
It was also great to hear neighbours’ ideas about future clubs, so, following on from our feedback clubs, we have some new and exciting clubs to add to the bill. These include the popularly demanded Language Club, which debuts in December and Karaoke Club, which debuts in January. We also have a Cocktail Making Masterclass coming up in late January. Behind the scenes, we are also working to bring you other requested trips, such as art gallery tours and food-based clubs over the coming months, as well as more exciting one-off trips. Watch this space!
We always welcome feedback from our neighbours. If you were unable to make the Feedback Clubs for any reason but still want to give us your ideas, feel free to contact us via our website, give us a call, or have a chat with us at the next club you come along to!